Sunday, January 18, 2015

Life Comes at You Fast!

Picture it, Sunday morning freshly home from church. As I am sitting on my couch basking in all of God’s glory while eating pizza (hey I am pregnant, don’t judge me), I call my child downstairs to take her medication. As she makes her way down the stairs I ask her about why she was on her tablet at 1:48am and how she really thought I wasn’t going to find out. To her credit she did not lie and promptly brought me her tablet. I thought “to God be the glory!” She quickly took her medicine and went on to get something to eat and then bam! Foolishness hit.

I told her not to take her plate in her room and she began to call on God and stomp. I told myself that I would not be dismayed this morning. I let her go on about her business and soon she came back to eat her food with no attitude. I thought again “To God be the glory!” But let me tell you satan puts up a strong campaign! I asked my beautiful 10 year old to unload the dishwasher and from her mouth came the sounds of attitude in her throat! My blood pressure started to rise, but I refused to lose. I put on gospel and played it LOUD. I sang, I ignored and went right on with my day. Soon my child realized that I was not taking this trip with her today. I have been to this destination the past 3 Sundays and I was not about to make another trip. Thus, she went to take the nap that she apparently needed.

So as life or God if you will, would have it my daughter later learned how it is not good to take your lack of sleep or mood out on other people.  My daughter is on a competitive cheerleading team and she has to spend a lot of time with the team and coaches. Well today my daughter shared someone amongst their unit was having a rough day and in my opinion rightfully so! She hadn’t gotten any sleep; she had been working on classes, working on cheer and a long list of other things. Due to these issues she was in no mood for foolishness! So when foolishness was happening she simply was not having it and my child couldn’t understand why she was being so different. At that moment the spirit dropped a word for me to share with her.

I looked at my daughter’s confused face and I asked her “do you remember this morning when you were being rude to me for no reason because you were tired?” She looked down at her feet and said “yes”. I then said “do you remember that I showed you grace because I could see that you were tired and clearly taking being tired out on me?” She again said “Yes”. I then said “maybe this person was taking their tiredness out on you and not even realizing it and needs some grace. She then said “well it’s not fair that she is taking it out on us…” and her voice began to fade. I finally said “you see how fast life comes at you? This morning you were being rude and mean to me and I gave it to God. Just that fast God gave you the experience right back so you could learn this lesson! You reap what you sew, you catch your karma or what goes around comes around. Whatever you what to call it is fine with me. But remember the energy you put out you will receive back.”

She got really quiet and then I think she began to understand the two things I was trying to teach her. Number one is, sometimes you have to show people grace for what they are going through. Number two is you need to remember that if you do not like it done to you, don’t do it! Be very careful of the seeds you plant because they will harvest and sometimes it will be faster than you thought! The bonus thing she learned was to go to bed at night! With that I say to God be the glory!